Aim and implementation of the concept
To prevent local residents from being awoken by early-morning inbound flights from the south, Flughafen Zürich AG is fitting automatic window drives or sound-absorbing ventilators to bedrooms in the affected municipalities.
As part of phase 1 of the south-side sound insulation concept, around 1,100 automatic window drives and 900 sound-absorbing ventilators were installed into bedrooms between mid-2016 and spring 2018. Phase 1 has therefore been completed.
On 19 January 2021, the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) issued the order for phase 2 of the south-side sound insulation concept with an extended perimeter. The new perimeter includes around five times as many properties as in phase 1. The implementation of the actions will begin in summer 2024 despite the ongoing process.

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