Current construction progress

Completion of the revitalisation project is planned for winter 2027. Work will begin in the first half of 2025. This includes the felling and clearing work in the construction phases Eichhof (construction phase 1) and Loo (construction phase 2). Construction will officially begin in April 2025, followed by excavation work and the design of the new Glatt river in construction section 1 Eichhof from May 2025. 

Information on the felling and clearing work


Prior to the official start of construction and the creation of the near-natural river course, felling and clearing work is necessary along the Glatt. Around 300 to 400 trees will be felled, around 100 of them this winter. This work has already begun in order to respect the closed seasons for animals and to ensure that the revitalisation work runs smoothly.  
To respect the bird breeding season, the treetops are removed in winter. During the clearing work, attention is also paid to the protection of bats - the trees are checked for cave locations beforehand.  

Structuring watercourses by reusing the wood components  

First, the trunks are shortened to a height of around 5 metres. The rootstocks are only pulled out of the ground later and ultimately reused for the ecological enhancement of the watercourse. Several months pass between felling and excavation. By cutting back the trees, they can remain on site instead of being stored temporarily. 
During the creation of the near-natural river course, deadwood is introduced approximately every 100 metres. Some of the felled trees, preferably deciduous trees, will be used for this purpose. The branches, trunks and rootstocks ultimately structure the new water course. They become a habitat for flora and fauna and serve as shade cover, spawning grounds or refuge area. 
This project promotes 100 rare plant species. The 950 newly planted trees include ash, European white birch, black alder, pedunculate oak, white willow and almond willow.


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