Our Code of Conduct
The Zurich Airport Group conducts its activities in compliance with legal regulations and internal company directives and guidelines, particularly the Group Code of Conduct. This Group Code of Conduct defines the minimum compliance requirements for the Zurich Airport Group. These requirements apply to all employees and members of executive bodies of Flughafen Zürich AG or subsidiaries in which Flughafen Zürich AG holds a direct or indirect majority interest.
Our Data Ethics Policy
Data driven processes take up an important position for the operations at Zurich Airport. Smooth operations are not possible without a professional data management. When using personal and operational Data, we comply to ethical standards that help us to ensure a professional and up-to-date data handling.
Business Partner Code of Conduct
Compliance with our principles and values is essential to achieving our goals. In order to embed responsible and sustainable action along the entire value chain, we also actively encourage dialogue and compliance with our standards among our business partners by means of the Business Partner Code of Conduct.