What is the Sectoral Aviation Infrastructure Plan (SAIP)?
The Sectoral Aviation Infrastructure Plan is the long-term planning and coordination tool for the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA). The plan establishes Zurich Airport’s long-term framework for the development of operations and infrastructure.
How is the SAIP structured?
The SAIP consists of a general part plus a second part containing detailed information about the individual objects. The general part sets out the overall concept and the national network with all the locations and functions of the individual aerodromes. The Federal Council first approved the general part in October 2000, and completely revised it in February 2020.
The second part comprises a detailed plan for each aerodrome containing specific requirements for airport operations, the perimeter, noise levels, obstacle limitation, nature conservation, as well as development. The detailed plan forms the basis for approval of the respective operating regulations and for planning permission for airport facilities.
The detailed plans are drafted during a coordination process with the participation of the relevant federal and cantonal agencies, the municipalities affected and the airport operator. This is followed by a consultation exercise with the respective authorities and local residents in order to draft the detailed plan and align it with cantonal development plans.
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