Construction works on Delta stands
This project entails construction work between the south apron and runway 16/34. It also included the construction of a substitute area for handling infrastructure (unit load device stacker and container warehouse) in the Cheibenwinkel area (former shooting stand).
In order to upgrade the existing Delta stands to full-fledged code E stands, the stand depth must be expanded from 63 m to 78 m. Enlarging the existing stands results in 5 code E stands (e.g. for the B777-300 ER). Alternatively, these stands could continue to be used to handle code C aircraft in accordance with operating needs.
Enlarging the stand depth by 15 m would result in a shift of all stands towards the west: this affected the Echo taxiway, the Weststrasse and some handling areas. The new axis for the Echo taxiway is running from taxiway Echo 8 to the south with the required minimum distance of 190 m parallel to the runway axis 16/34. From Echo 9 towards the north, the Echo taxiway is completely suitable for code F and also A380 aircraft. The Weststrasse moves parallel to the Echo taxiway at a distance of 55 metres. The areas for taxiways and containers moved as a result of the new Weststrasse have been replaced to the west of the existing area as far as possible. Creating additional handling space in the Cheibenwinkel area meets a long-standing need and is also compensation for a project-related partial replacement in the southern area. The rifle clubhouses in the Cheibenwinkel area have been dismantled.
Construction commenced in early March 2016. The first steps involved dismantling various existing supply lines and rifle clubhouses and removing topsoil from a large part of the construction area. An initial construction stage between taxiways Echo 8 and Echo 9 has been completed by August 2016. The entire project has been completed and commissioned by the end of November 2016.