

Check-in information

Self Bag Drop


Baggage Tag Printer


Online check-in

Self Bag Drop machines are available in Check-in 2, Row 5 for passengers with a valid boarding pass from 04:00 - 20:00.

Check-in 1

Opening hours

04:00 (at the earliest 2 hours before departure) - 22:00h

Early check-in


Early Check-in is available 23hrs before departure during the check-in opening hours.

Check-in 2


Desks at

Check-in 2, Line 5

Opening hours

04:00 - 20:00h

Self Bag Drop, access only with a valid boarding pass.

Check-in 3

Opening hours

04:00 (at the earliest 2 hours before departure) - 22:00h

Early check-in


Self Bag Drop machines, access only with boarding pass.
Early Check-in is available 23hrs before departure during the check-in opening hours.

Lost & Found for checked-in luggage and items left on the aircraft

Please note the different locations and opening hours of the lost & found desks.

Lost & Found for items lost at the airport

Lost passports or identity cards must be reported directly to the police.