Before your journey
Please inform your travel agent or the airline that you require assistance at the airport when booking your flights (outward and return flights), or at least 48 hours prior to departure:
Type of assistance required:
- Special information, e-g. whether you need to travel with a battery powered wheelchair, respirator or guide dog
Type of mobility restriction:
- WCHR (Wheelchair Ramp): You are able to walk short distances and climb short flights of stairs. For longer distances you require a wheelchair and assistance.WCHS (Wheelchair Steps): You are able to walk short distances, but cannot climb stairs. For longer distances you require a wheelchair and assistance.
- WCHC (Wheelchair Carry): You need a wheelchair at all times and are also dependent on assistance on board the aircraft. Having entered the aircraft, you cannot reach your seat on your own.
- BLND (Blind): You are blind or visually impaired and require assistance during your journey.
- DEAF (Deaf): You are deaf, hearing-impaired or deaf-mute and require assistance during your journey.
- DPNA (Disabled Passenger Needs Assistance): You require assistance during your journey due to a mental disability.

Getting to and from the airport
We offer special parking facilities for people with reduced mobility. But you can also travel to and from the airport comfortably using public transport or by taxi.
Departure and Arrival
We will collect you at the pick-up point at Check-in and take you promptly and comfortably to your seat in the aircraft – or vice versa, from the aircraft to the drop-off point in the arrivals hall.
We value your opinion
Please tell us about your experiences of using our services for passengers with reduced mobility at Zurich Airport.