A spontaneous excursion

Would you like to explore Zurich Airport by bus, together with friends and family, or as an individual? If so, then why not book a public bus tour in advance or simply come to the tour desk on the day itself. The bus passes a range of airport facilities and docks, explores the nature conservation area and makes a unique stop at the runway intersection, the closest you will get to aircrafts taking off, other than as a passenger.

Key information

Duration 1 ¼ hours



Regular Summer operation (31.03.25 - 26.10.2025):

  • Wednesday: 13:00*, 14:30*, 15:15 h
  • Saturday and Sunday: 11:30, 12:00*, 13:00, 13:30*, 14:30, 15:15 h

Sommer holiday operation (14.07.25 - 17.08.25):

  • Wednesday: 11:30*, 12:45, 13:00*, 14:30*, 15:15 h
  • Saturday and Sunday: 11:30, 12:00*, 13:00, 13:30*, 14:30, 15:15 h

Autumn holiday operation (06.10.25 - 19.10.25):

  • Wednesday: 11:30*, 12:45, 13:00*, 14:30*, 15:15 h
  • Saturday and Sunday: 11:30, 12:00*, 13:00, 13:30*, 14:30, 15:15 h

Regular winter operation (27.10.2025 - 29.03.2026)

  • Saturday and Sunday and national holidays: time table published per 27.10.25
  • No public bus tours on Wednesdays. 

* Wheelchair-accessible tour bus (subject to change at short notice)


Ticket sales

Purchase tickets up to 15 minutes prior to the tour at the cashier on Observation Deck B. 

A limited number of seats is available online up to 24 hours prior to the tour.

* ZVV FerienPass and vouchers: seat reservations are not possible. These seats can only be reserved on the day of the bus tour at the cashier on Observation Deck B.

Minimum age No age limit 
Important information
  • The commentary is in German.
  • Tours may be cancelled if demand is low.
  • Operating times may vary at short notice.
  • If purchasing tickets online, the admission fee to Observation Deck B will be included in the price.
  • For holders of a disability pass (IV), the bus tour is free of charge when purchasing tickets on site (including one accompanying person). No discount is granted for online bookings.


Price per person

  At the airport Online*
Adults (16 years and older) 10.– 15.–
Youths (aged 10 to 15) 5.– 7.–
Children (aged 7 to 9) 5.– 5.–
Children (under 7) free free
Prices in CHF (incl. VAT)
* For online reservations, the admission fee to Observation Deck B is included.

Details of the airport tour

  • By car and cars taller than 2 metres
  • By train, tram or bus
  • Map - Guided bus tours (pdf, 2.4 MB)

Contact from Monday to Friday

Our Visitor Services & Events Team will be happy to help you.

  • +41 43 816 21 56
  • visitorservices@zurich-airport.com